Administrador Junior de Redes - CCST Networking Certification

Modalidad online self study

70 horas de dedicación por
parte del estudiante

Insignia digital al completar
con éxito el curso
Certificación oficial

Acerca de este curso

Networking technology powers the Internet. Networks make it possible for us to use social media, streaming services like Netflix, ride-hailing services like Uber, online shopping through Amazon, and much more. Put simply, networks are critical for every industry, which is why demand for networking skills keeps rising. A strong foundational knowledge of networks can lead to a successful career in IT.

The Network Technician Career Path prepares you for the entry-level Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Network certification and entry-level roles such as Network Support Technician, Entry-level Help Desk Technician, or IT Support Specialist. You will learn how networks operate, including the devices, media, and protocols that enable network communication. Develop key skills so you can perform basic troubleshooting, using effective methodologies and help desk best practices.

Insignia digital

Network Technician Career Path

Certificación asociada

Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Networking

Certificación IT Specialist - INF-101: Networking


70 horas - Curso Online


The Networking Essentials course is designed for people who want to learn the knowledge and skills they need to work in Information Technology (IT) and networking. These course materials will assist you in developing the skills necessary to do the following:

  • Explain the concept of network communication.
  • Explain the basic requirements for getting online.
  • Create a simulated network using Cisco® Packet Tracer.
  • Build a simple home network.
  • Explain the importance of standards and protocols in network communications.
  • Explain how communication occurs on Ethernet networks.
  • Create a fully connected LAN.
  • Explain the features of an IP address.
  • Explain the DHCP address assignment process.
  • Explain the principles of IPv4 and IPv6 address management.
  • Explain how clients access internet services.
  • Explain the function of common application layer services.
  • Configure an integrated wireless router and wireless client to connect securely to the internet.
  • Connect wireless PC clients to a wireless router.
  • Explain how to use security best practices to mitigate attacks.
  • Configure basic network security.
  • Explain how to create a console connection to a Cisco device.
  • Explain how to use the Cisco IOS.
  • Build a simple computer network using Cisco devices.
  • Troubleshoot basic network connectivity issues.


La ruta de redes está conformada por los siguientes cursos y el examen global de contenidos:

  • Curso 1: Conceptos básicos de redes
  • Curso 2: Dispositivos de Red y Configuración Inicial
  • Curso 3: Direccionamiento de red y resolución de problemas básicos
  • Curso 4: Network Support and Security
  • Examen global de la ruta de redes

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Formación oficial

100% online

100€ (IVA no incluido)

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